Blog title aside, I've recently been trying to reach out to members of the opposite sex. You see, I went to an all-girls high school, so I don't have that much experience conversing with guys....unless you count my fifty year old biology teacher, but if I were you I definitely wouldn't. But, based off the encounters I've had with people I'm not sexually attracted to, I can only imagine the mortifying "conversations" I'm going to attempt to have with people I actually do want to see naked. Despite my anxieties about these situations I want to at least try to get acquainted with the whole "dating" thing. I'm eighteen and I have never had a boyfriend. I might as well buy a purity ring and change my name to Mary because my virginity is here to stay. If I ever write a blog announcing I'm pregnant anytime soon I would start praying because Jesus is coming and he's taking us all down. The "impending rapture" aside, I'm starting college this year and I don't want to go in completely inexperienced. Romantic comedies and after school specials can only teach me so much, and I doubt Topenga and Corey's relationship is all that relatable to real world couples. So, like any other rational teenage girl, I've decided a summer fling might be my next move. Now I'm not exactly the one night stand type so that's definitely not what I'm trying to pursue. I need someone to just date for a month or so with no strings attached. Or maybe date around with a few guys. Well I might be getting in over my head with the dating around idea. Finding multiple men to want to date me? Even Cupid couldn't pull that one off. I know that's unrealistic, but if I at least had your average (hell I'll take below average because right now I'm at "cat lady" level) run-of-the-mill teenage romantic experiences then I can go to college with a little more confidence. However, getting to the point of tricking someone into finding me attractive is going to be difficult; and then getting that same person to then like my personality is going to be even harder. But before I can even get to that point I have to strike up a conversation with someone that isn't an 80 year old grandma at the supermarket but, let's face it, my communication skills are limited. The closest I've gotten to talking to a guy in public was just extremely awkward eye contact followed by me immediately leaving the premises because (God forbid!) he could have come over and talked to me. Maybe next time I'll smile and then run steps. Well, I'll keep you updated on my search for a summer fling. Wish me luck!
Until next time,
Go eat a pineapple and shine that purity ring!
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