Thursday, July 9, 2015

First Blog Post

     This is my first blog post so I have no idea what I'm doing, but I've gotten this far in life not having a clue and I haven't died yet. *Self high-five* As you can tell from my blog title, I am single. And if you read the little "About Me" section, as well, then I know exactly what you're thinking. How could a girl who has an unwavering love for pineapples and equates herself to the genius mind of Conan O'Brien ever be single?? The answer is simple. I never leave the house. And this information brings you to the explanation of the "and not ready to mingle" portion of my blog title. Now, I have to be honest. Even if I had the social butterfly attitude of Jimmy Fallon and actually left my house, I would still be stuck with the social grace of Jennifer Lawrence. Of course I don't have her good looks and charm so it's not as endearing when I trip and fall up the stairs. In fact, people usually leave that scene covering the eyes of their children while a feeling of second-hand embarrassment lingers over the innocent bystanders. However, when I do step into the light of society, and manage to return safely to my computer, I always leave the situation gaining something from the experience. So that's what you'll be reading if you follow this blog. I'll post my tips for surviving social situations, opinions on relevant issues, advice on what NOT to do with your life, and, most definitely, embarrassing stories of the many social faux pas that I hope will make you laugh.

                                                                      Until next time,

                                                                                Go eat a pineapple and call your mother

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