This is a very important topic to me because I LOVE underwear. I can admit that I have fallen victim to the marketing techniques of companies like Victoria Secret. I probably own a pair of underwear for each day of the year. Who needs 365 pairs of underwear besides someone who's constantly afflicted with bladder problems? And no, I don't have urination issues. I've had my kidneys checked and their doing just fine. My underwear obsession however, is not fine. But despite my dangerous frequency of underwear purchases, I do understand the craziness that is women's underwear. Men have two options; boxers or briefs. Women have 300. Bikini, boy short, thong, briefs, hipsters, and the infamous G-string. I'm pretty sure underwear started with the briefs, hipsters and boy shorts. Then after some deliberation panty makers thought, "what would make these more comfortable?" And they answered, "Less fabric!!!" So underwear got skimpier and started moving into crevices that should definitely not contain fabric. And then the panty makers thought even more and said, "You know what would make this thong even better? ...Lace!!" So they made everything out of lace and anything else they could find that showed more skin even though we wear clothes over our underwear anyhow. So now, underneath my sweatpants of course, I'm wearing a thong that's made completely out of lace so that practically nothing is covered or protected. Which is ironic because I think that was the original purpose for underwear. But nevertheless, I'm drawn to the pretty patterns and sexy lace designs even if my butthole hates me for it.
You can probably contribute multiple things to the creation of the various underwear types. You could blame it on our patriarchal society that thinks women should wear lingerie for their husbands since sex and cooking are the only things we are good for in life. But I wear the low cut bikinis with the lace trim because they make me feel good. It's my own little secret from the rest of the world. A secret that hopefully one day I will get to share with some lucky man who can make me dinner for a change. But for now I don't wear it to please some guy, but to give myself the confidence that society tries to take away from me on a daily basis. So screw all the slut shamers who say thongs are for whores. You wear those underwear with your chin held high and your butt looking fabulous!
Until next time,
Go eat a pineapple and bedazzle your thong.